You are Never too Young to Achieve Great Success


Until very recently I used my age as an excuse not to do things.

Don’t apply for that job, you don’t have enough experience.

Don’t ask that question, you’re the youngest one in the room, people will think you’re naive and stupid.

Don’t start a blog, you don’t have as much expertise as the other bloggers.

This is all crazy talk. You are never too young to achieve great success. Continue reading “You are Never too Young to Achieve Great Success”

What is Financial Literacy?

Are you financially literate?

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Do you feel like you are financially literate?

Do you know what financial literacy is?

If not, that’s okay.

The goal of this post is to help you to understand what financial literacy is and why you should care about it. Continue reading “What is Financial Literacy?”

Money is Not a Four Letter Word

***This post is part of the #WomenRockMoney Movement, a large group of female personal finance bloggers who have come together to inspire more women to learn about money. ***


Money can elicit a multitude of emotions. Envy, shame, ignorance, superiority, dread and anxiety, to name a few.

For many, money is a source of confusion.

Cloaked in a combination of jargon and overly complex concepts, a basic understanding of personal finance seems insurmountable when first getting started.

This feeling is disproportionately true for women. Continue reading “Money is Not a Four Letter Word”

Am I Cheap or Frugal?

Since high school I’ve been a diligent saver.

Like a squirrel socking away her acorns for a brutal Canadian winter, I stash my hard earned dollars in case of emergency!

Save like a squirrel

Although I come from a middle class family, have consistently had a roof over my head, good food in my belly and never wanted for anything, I’ve always had a strange fear that I could lose everything. So I save and save and save….just in case. Continue reading “Am I Cheap or Frugal?”

How to Get Fit for Free

You don’t need a personal trainer or a gym membership to get fit.

You don’t need a new wardrobe from lulu lemon, a Fit Bit or a fancy fanny pack to carry your water bottles.

In fact, you don’t need to spend any money to get a hot bod. It is totally possible to get fit for free.

All you need is some motivation, willpower….and maybe a pair of running shoes! Continue reading “How to Get Fit for Free”