Why I Will Never Buy a New Car

I recently sold my 2002 Volkswagen Passat.

I didn’t want to do it.

The car was in great shape for her age (my car was a lady) and she was a smooth ride.

Although my car had been very well maintained she was pushing 300,000km and the dash board was lit up like a Christmas tree…time to sell.

Another motivating factor, I recently had a baby. I need something a bit bigger to accommodate all of baby’s things! Continue reading “Why I Will Never Buy a New Car”

How to Make Money as a Teenager

Want to make money as a teenager? Here are some great ways to make some extra cash.

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The year was 1996. I was 11 and I wanted a job. So, I picked up the phone book and started flipping through the yellow pages to find a suitable employer.

What’s that you say….a phone book???

Yes, this was back in the old days.

Anyway, after hours of searching and cold calling restaurants and cafes I hadn’t found anyone willing to hire me. This was largely due to the fact that the legal working age in Alberta is 12 (I was 11), but that was a minor detail I had failed to consider. Continue reading “How to Make Money as a Teenager”

12 Things You Can do Today to Save $100s

Here is a list of 12 actionable tips that you can use to save hundreds of dollars today

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Here is a list of money saving tips that you can apply today.

This list isn’t about saving a quarter here or a dollar there. If you actually follow through with some of these suggestions you can save a significant amount of money.

Continue reading “12 Things You Can do Today to Save $100s”

Stop Trying to Keep up With the Joneses

Stop comparing yourself to other people. Focus on you.

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I’ll be honest, I have spent wayyyyy too much time and energy comparing myself to other people. As much as I don’t want to do it, it’s a very difficult habit to break.

Theodore Roosevelt said, “Comparison if the thief of joy.”

There’s a lot of truth in this statement. Think about how it makes you feel when you compare yourself, your looks, your relationship or your financial situation, to others…specifically those who have more of these things then you do.

Continue reading “Stop Trying to Keep up With the Joneses”